Beads l to r: 5k; chrissie pressie from kids; 10k; 15k; cheappo bead bought coz I liked colour; silver snake bead made by husband; 10%
WI yesterday resulted in a massive 1.9k loss which I am very happy with. I had been very good all week (well since Tuesday anyway). Made good choices, tracked everything I ate and drank enough water to float a ship so spent a lot of time on the loo!!! This is my first decent loss for about 4/5 weeks. I FINALLY made my 15k total loss goal, so yippee I finally get a new bead. When I started this journey decided that a great motivator/reward would be a Pandora bracelet. So at my first 5k loss bought bracelet and one bead and then every milestone after that i.e. 10k,,10% etc I get another bead.
Being under 100k is getting tantalisingly close but seeing as how I only have one more week of January and will need to lose another 1.7k this week, not sure my GWEJ of 99.9 is doable, but it is getting closer, so if not this week, hopefully the next. A bit of exercise would probably help!!!
My exercise regime since stopping the walking challenge has been practically non-existent. Have been to the gym a couple of times but that's it. Obviously need another challenge as the walk NZ thing certainly got me up and moving. Well, I'm challenging myself to shift my butt this week ... Get moving girl.
Another little win this week. I managed to get my wedding ring off. It has been stuck fast on my fat finger for about 13/14 years so another tangible proof that I am losing weight.