Flapper Style - Dec. 08

Flapper Style - Dec. 08
103 kilos - This is the first photo I've had taken in years that I actually like!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Did She Do It?

NO SHE DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!! After such a good result last week and feeling so positive - what happened ... Well, basically I ate too much, drank too much wine, didn't exercise, only tracked very half-heartedly and have managed to put back on most of what I lost last week - a gain of 1.7k to be exact, so that elusive 99.9k is even more elusive than ever. Still not being totally committed, still being complacent, so upshot is I am still weighing in at 103k which is the weight I had reached mid-December. The positive spin on that is that usually by the end of January, after the Xmas/New Year/school holidays, I have gained several kilos, so from that angle I don't feel too bad.

Am posting this photo as a reminder to myself as to why I am doing this! !!! DH took photo in early December 2008 when I had lost about 14K because , as he put it ,"your bum really does look smaller". He felt it was a compliment but I ask you ....

It's our 29th Wedding Anniversary today, so nice dinner tonight and we have family arriving from USA tomorrow who will have to be fed and watered for a few days before they head off to tour South Island, so I am hoping that I can be strong-willed enough to make good food choices. School is back this week, I am back to normal working hours so hopefully being back in my normal routine will set me back on track.

So new goal - and yes I know I've said this before - but goal weight for end of February is to be under 100K.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to tag you (I was tagged by Katy, so I'm passing the love around). Now we can learn some more about what makes you 'You' - it's really not that deep, lol!

